Wednesday, February 4, 2009
wow, i currently have 3 more days until i leave for Australia, and due to the recent heatwave there, i have decided that something needs to be changed for good....i've cropped my "mop top" as many of my friends used to call it....well pictures are worth a millions words, goes...

this is how i looked before the haircut....

drum rolls...........

more drum rolls.....

final drum rolls......................

oh gosh, i think i made a bad decision, actually i didn't cut my hair because of the heatwave, to be honest, i don't even know what came across my mind when i told the hairdresser "i want it short", some friends told me i look like a geek now!!! Perhaps the only excuse i can muster up is because i felt i needed a change?? lolzx


Ying Xuan said...

more leng zai with short hair la...